
Read the full agenda

City Council Agenda

Monday, February 1, 2021 at 7:30 pm
    6550 N. High Street, Worthington, Ohio 43085
    Virtual Meeting Information

    Link through: Our Government – Live Stream

  1. Call to Order

    Worthington City Council met remotely in Regular Session on Monday, February 1, 2021, via Microsoft Teams videoconference. President Michael called the meeting to order at or about 7:30 p.m.

  2. Roll Call

    Members Present: Peter Bucher, Rachael Dorothy, Beth Kowalczyk, Scott Myers, David Robinson, Doug Smith and Bonnie Michael

    Member(s) Absent: None

    Also Present: City Manager Matt Greeson, Assistant City Manager Robyn Stewart, Assistant City Manager Economic Development Director David McCorkle, Law Director Tom Lindsey, Director of Finance Scott Bartter, Director of Service & Engineering Dan Whited, Director of Planning & Building Lee Brown, Director of Parks & Recreation Darren Hurley, IT Director Gene Oliver, Chief of Police Robert Ware, Chief of Fire & EMS Mark Zambito, Clerk of Council D. Kay Thress

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

    President Michael invited all to stand and join in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

  4. Visitor Comments

    There were no visitor comments.

  5. Approval of the Minutes
  6. Approval of Minutes
    1. Meeting Minutes - January 19, 2021

      Recommendation: Motion to approve as presented


      MOTION Mr. Bucher moved, seconded by Ms. Kowalczyk to approve the Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2021 as presented.

      The motion passed unanimously by a voice vote.

  7. Public Hearings on Legislation
  8. Ordinance No. 04-2021 CIP Appropriation - Rush Run Stream - Huntley Bowl
    Amending Ordinance No. 44-2020 (As Amended) to Adjust the Annual Budget by Providing for an Appropriation from the Capital Improvements Fund Unappropriated Balance to Pay the Costs of the Rush Run Stream – Huntley Bowl Project and all Related Expenses and Determining to Proceed with said Project. (Project No. 708-20)

    Executive Summary: This Ordinance will fund the Huntley Bowl Retrofit Project and all related expenses.

    Recommendation: Amend and Approve as Amended.


    MOTION: Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. Myers a motion to insert in Section 1. an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($246,500) and in Section 2. the firm of Mark Haynes Construction.

    The motion passed unanimously by a voice vote

    Mr. Greeson described how this project has been in the works for quite a while, and retrofitting the Huntley Bowl is a component of our stormwater strategy in that waterway.

    Mr. Whited explained how there was a study completed identifying how to address some of the down stream concerns. We are planning to retrofit the Huntley Bowl by doing some grading and reconfiguration of the inlet and outlet structures to allow for a different flow, lessening the erosivity and increasing the ability for the channel to stabilize itself. This is a relatively simple project with a lot of earthwork involved. There is an alternate within the project allowing us to use a hoist to access the structure, which is a safety issue added to the project. There is also 10% included for construction contingencies. We hope to start this project within six weeks, and the project should take around two months. Consistent with this, we are hoping at the next meeting to get permission to bid an additional project on Rush Run to do some bank stabilization downstream along McCoy Avenue.

    Ms. Dorothy mentioned how Huntley Bowl was always meant to be a retention basin, but it has never really functioned that way. She asked if we will have any additional signage put in place, because if we do have water in there for a time period, people may be concerned. Mr. Whited replied that it will have an effect on our recreational use of that area. It will have more frequent water in it, and it may be a good idea to put some signage up in the event that occurs. Ms. Dorothy stated that our hope with this is stream stabilization, but she wanted to confirm that we are anticipating that the plans will also include plants to stabilize the bank and wondered if we will be planting anything. Mr. Whited explained that the approach is to take the flow rates back to what they would be naturally and redistribute some of the sediment so natural vegetation will reestablish, which will be much more stable than what has been occurring out there.

    Mr. Robinson asked about the awarding of bids, stating that this was the low bidder for the project. He wondered if the City is always going to select the low bidder, and what other factors are taken into account when deciding who to hire for certain projects. Mr. Whited replied that we select what is called the "lowest and best" bidder, we check references on these contractors to make sure they have an appropriate reputation and are able to complete the work. Mr. Robinson asked for confirmation that we have the ability to pay more for a better product. Mr. Whited responded that has been known to happen, it is difficult but possible.

    Mr. Robinson brought up that the phrasing here was to appropriate from the CIP unappropriated balance, and asked for clarity about appropriated and unappropriated balances, and the distinction between this and the General Fund. Mr. Bartter replied that is a common term we use to make funds available for a certain purpose that are currently in the fund balance. For example, Council appropriated funds for SwimInc at the last meeting, which were unappropriated, and we made them available in an appropriation from the General Fund unencumbered balance to pay them. Mr. Robinson asked when we use that phrasing, whether we can assume it has been budgeted for this general usage and if there is a distinction when something pops up that might not have been budgeted for. Mr. Greeson described how in the CIP it is planned, but not appropriated. The only thing appropriated out of the CIP as part of the budget process is equipment and projects that are under the bid threshold. Projects like this are planned in the CIP, but the funds are not appropriated until we go through this process we are going through now. Mr. Robinson recalls the bid threshold is $50,000. Mr. Greeson confirmed that is correct.

    There being no additional comments, the clerk called the roll of Ordinance No. 04-2021 (As Amended). The motion carried by the following vote:

    Vote Results: Ayes: 7 / Nays: 0

  9. Ordinance No. 05-2021 CIP Appropriation - Windows & Doors (Building Improvements) 713-21
    Amending Ordinance No. 44-2020 (As Amended) to Adjust the Annual Budget by Providing for an Appropriation from the Capital Improvements Fund Unappropriated Balance to Pay the Costs of the Municipal and Griswold Building Windows and Doors Project and all Related Expenses and Determining to Proceed with said Project. (Project No. 713-21)

    Executive Summary: This Ordinance would fund the Window and Door Replacements at the Municipal Building and Griswold Center, and all related expenses.

    Recommendation: Amend and approve as amended.


    MOTION: Ms. Dorothy moved, seconded by Mr. Robinson a motion to insert in Section 1. an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand Dollars ($232,000) and in Section 2. the firm of Setterlin Construction.

    The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.

    Mr. Greeson described how the windows and doors at the Municipal Building and Griswold Center need replacing, as they are original to the buildings. These replacements were planned within the five-year Capital Improvement Program and Council approved the solicitation of bids. Now we are asking for the appropriation of funds as planned within the budget that was allocated.

    Mr. Whited explained how this projects was started in 2019 when the buildings were evaluated to see what would need to be done to mitigate the doors and windows that are in bad shape. This will also help with energy efficiency. The project consists of 34 windows and at least two doors. This project is estimated to begin within two months, and would be completed in a similar timeframe. He is not certain of the lifecycle, but he would estimate that it would be longer than the current materials. The project bids came in much lower than estimated, and we are pleased to have a good contractor at a good price.

    Ms. Dorothy asked if we have data about the before and after of how our buildings are doing after these energy efficiency projects. Mr. Whited replied that we do have some data provided by ABM on the performance at the Community Center, indicating that the improvements are close to what ABM predicted. When asked by Ms. Dorothy if we have definitely seen energy usage go down, Mr. Whited confirmed that was correct. Ms. Dorothy asked if we anticipate energy usage go down after the replacement of all these windows and doors. Mr. Whited stated that was correct.

    There being no additional comments, the clerk called the roll of Ordinance No. 05-2021 (As Amended). The motion carried by the following vote:

    Vote Results: Ayes: 7 / Nays: 0

  10. Ordinance No. 06-2021 CIP Appropriation - Community Center Pool Resurfacing (Project 706-20)
    Amending Ordinance No. 44-2020 (As Amended) to Adjust the Annual Budget by Providing for an Appropriation from the Capital Improvements Fund Unappropriated Balance to Pay the Costs of the Community Center Pools Resurfacing Project and all Related Expenses and Determining to Proceed with said Project. (Project No. 706-20)

    Executive Summary: This ordinance would fund the replacement of the Diamond Brite coating in the Community Center Pool, and all related expenses.

    Recommendation: Motion to Table for Lack of Bids


    Mr. Greeson explained that this ordinance needs to be tabled due to the lack of bids.

    Mr. Hurley described how staff knew it would be a challenge to get bids, this is a very "mom and pop" venture to resurface swimming pools, with few firms that do this type of work. We have some time to complete this, so staff will keep Council posted and are confident we will find a way to get this done.

    MOTION: Mr. Bucher moved, seconded by Ms. Kowalczyk to table this ordinance for lack of bidders.

    The motion to table Ordinance No. 06-2021 passed unanimously by a voice vote.

  11. New Legislation to Be Introduced
  12. Resolution No. 04-2021 Heights TIF (Project No. 709-20)
    Adjusting the Annual Budget by Providing for a Transfer of Previously Appropriated Funds.

    Executive Summary: This Resolution authorizes the transfer of previously appropriated funds to cover add-on expenses in the Corporate Hill Extension Design account. Approval of this Resolution will not result in an increase of total appropriations.

    Recommendation: Introduce and Approve as Presented.


    Resolution No. 04-2021 was introduced by Mr. Smith.

    MOTION: Mr. Myers moved, seconded by Ms. Dorothy to adopt Resolution No. 04-2021

    Mr. Greeson stated that last year we began a process of designing a potential Corporate Hill Drive extension. There were some services including right-of-way acquisition that we did not move forward with the initial scope. At this point we need those services and this is appropriating $20,000 in funds that are in the Heights TIF. Those funds have to be used in that specific area, such as this type of public infrastructure improvement.

    There being no additional comments, the motion to adopt Resolution No. 04-2021 passed unanimously by a voice vote.

  13. Resolution No. 05-2021 Allow for the Amendment to Perry Township Fire Contract
    Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Amendment to the Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Contract with Perry Township.

    Executive Summary: This Resolution allows the City Manager to amend the fire contract with Perry Township, removing areas off Riverside Drive to be covered by Upper Arlington Fire.

    Recommendation: Introduce and Approve as Presented


    Resolution No. 05-2021 was introduced by Mr. Robinson.

    MOTION: Mr. Bucher moved, seconded by Ms. Kowalczyk to adopt Resolution No. 05-2021

    Chief Zambito explained that this amendment covers several parcels along Riverside Drive that were actually City of Columbus. They had been de-annexed and Upper Arlington Fire is much closer, and it makes sense for them to provide protection. Part of this amendment will give 100% of the collected monies to the City of Upper Arlington and will allow Mr. Greeson to sign this amendment.

    Mr. Myers asked how many parcels we are talking about. Chief Zambito replied that he believes it is four parcels. Mr. Greeson described how the rest of the contract describes that Upper Arlington provides services to Perry, but we just divide 81/19. We want to treat these parcels a little differently than the rest of the contract.

    There being no additional comments, the motion to adopt Resolution No. 05-2021 passed unanimously by a voice vote.

  14. Reports of City Officials
  15. Discussion Item(s)
    1. Adoption of Vision Statements

      Executive Summary: Time is allocated for City Council to discuss the content of a resolution to adopt the vision statements and supporting principles


      Mr. Greeson detailed how from the early stages of this entire visioning process, it has had Council's fingerprints on it. Now, we are at the point of considering the adoption of the visioning statements. We want to make sure that how we do that reflects Council's wishes. Staff drafted a resolution that is a starting point for Council. The goal this evening is to get Council's feedback on the resolution, so that staff can work with the revisions in order to bring this back at a later date.

      Mr. Robinson stated that the work of the Visioning Committee was superb, especially considering the backdrop of the pandemic. There was some discussion at the retreat centered on the question of whether the report, if and when adopted, is going to be considered as a resource or as an authority. He would feel comfortable including one or two statements in the Whereas section where we explicitly acknowledge what this is and what this is not. The question is will we accept and embrace someone who cites the report as an authoritative document to justify their advocacy of a policy.

      Mr. Myers shared Mr. Robinson's concerns that this is not codified law. He is struggling with exactly what words we use in those additional Whereas clauses. This is not a prescriptive document, it is a vision. Mr. Greeson replied that there is some of that language in the executive summary. Mr. Myers asked if we want to incorporate any next steps in this resolution. Mr. Greeson explained that we were separating those questions, with Council adopting the visioning statements so that they become the City's vision statements and principles, then separately working on a steering committee process so we would then bring another resolution back to start that process.

      Ms. Kowalczyk expressed that her thinking was that there may need to be some reference to evaluating ideas outside of planning sessions and retreats. So you come to Council with an idea that uses the visioning report or statements as a guide to determine whether it fits within our priorities. We often have situations where there are opportunities or ideas brought before Council where they want to make a case for them.

      Mr. Bucher wondered if there could be language put in here expressing the need to keep updating these visions. Mr. Greeson recommended language about continuing to refresh this every so often and continuing to work on the implementation. Mr. Bucher suggested something about living into the most updated values of the community. He will continue to think on additional verbiage. Ms. Stewart described that the executive summary could provide some additional language to put in the Whereas clauses, as well as adding some language speaking to Mr. Bucher's comments that this is sort of a long-term plan for the City and will need revisiting and refreshing over time.

      Mr. Robinson asked when staff would anticipate coming back to Council with updated language. He would like to try his hand at crafting some ideas. Mr. Greeson responded that there is some time, and suggested this coming back at the third meeting in February.

      Mr. Greeson described how next week, we need to get before Council an update on where we are on Phase One of McCord Park. We are ready to have you authorize staff to move forward on bidding Phase One. We want the consultant to come in and discuss where we are. Secondly, Mr. Whited mentioned that we have a time sensitive issue for Rush Run where we need to live up to commitments made to property owners and do not want to lose time. It is our custom at the Committee of the Whole to give a financial report, and Mr. Bartter will provide a year end report with an update on the status of the fund balance. We then want to spend some time discussing how we will work through all the retreat feedback, and then if there is time we need a conversation about how we move forward with the visioning process. There is a lot to talk about next week. He brought up how the CIC closed last Friday on two parcels on East Wilson Bridge Road and they now own four contiguous parcels. The CIC has made recommendations about demolishing some of those properties and undertaking the rezoning of those for a long term transition to office uses. We will be talking about that in the near future and how to move that forward.

  16. Reports of Council Members
  17. Reports of Council Members

    Ms. Dorothy described how there is a WIFA book club coming up. The cemetery is still going slowly on updating the Flint Road office and that is still being bid out.

    Ms. Kowalczyk extended an invitation to the Reframing Aging presentation she is providing to the CRC, staff, and other board and commission members. She has had the privilege of being trained by the Gerontological Society of America on this initiative which is about how to communicate aging and promoting positive aging. This came out of discussions that the CRC were having and also we have begun work with the Age Friendly Worthington initiative, which has been meeting about every two weeks. She is very excited and hopes to see everyone there on February 23rd. The Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging has been fielding questions about helping people sign up for vaccinations and identifying transportation. If anyone reaches out with questions they can be referred to the COAAA.

    Mr. Greeson mentioned that he was asked to serve on the school facilities task force meeting. They had their first meeting last week and will have one almost every month over the course of the next year. He will share the PowerPoint with Council along with a memo discussing what they were talking about.

  18. Other
    Executive Session
  19. To consider the appointment of a public employee or official

    MOTION: Mr. Smith moved, Mr. Myers seconded a motion to go into Executive Session to consider the appointment of a public employee or official.

    The clerk called the roll on Executive Session.

    Vote Results: Ayes: 7 / Nays: 0

    Council recessed at 8:21pm from the Regular meeting session.

    MOTION: Ms. Dorothy moved, Ms. Kowalczyk seconded a motion to return to open session at 8:40 p.m. The motion carried by the following vote:

    Vote Results: Ayes: 7 / Nays: 0

  20. Adjournment
  21. Motion to Adjourn

    MOTION: Mr. Bucher moved, Ms. Kowalczyk seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.

    President Michael declared the meeting adjourned at 8:41.